Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NaNoWriMo Update

 Status: FAIL.

 My family has been in town the last few days so my word count has dropped off into the crapper. BUT I was able to get some great feedback from my brother whose going to be a film director that's really going to help tighten and strengthen my story.

In other, more exciting news for you,Beth Revis is hosting this mega huge book giveaway:

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 Check it. SIGNED YA books. I love! If you happen to like ANY of these books (this would seriously double my YA library) run over to her blog. There's like a ton of ways to enter her giveaway. If entries reach 10,000 she'll throw in a bonus item.

 I adore YA literature and young adults themselves because that time of life is so transitional, anything could happen. There is so much passion when you're that young and your emotions and hormones are high and your trying to figure yourself out and there is so much hurt and triumph and sorrow and heartaches and joy. Being young is full of so much possibility. You can stretch, set your heights too far up, reach for the stars, fail, succeed beyond your wildest dreams, fall in love, make dumb mistakes, crawl, sweat and fight for your personal independence..and as a reader I can remember what feeling all of that was like (for better or worse) through those books.

Today's goal is to write 2,000 towards NaNoWriMo. I've also been reading Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series. They are soo good! Why haven't I read them before? If I was younger, they'd be one of my fav series.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo Start!

 Official NNWM crest from their website.

     Yeeehhhaaaaw. NaNoWriMo has officially started and I'm pumped about it. I know that, technically, working on a project that I've already started might not fully qualify me as a "real" NaNoWriMo-er but I have to see this book through before I begin another. And I'm hoping the push to get 40,000 -50,000 words done this month will be the push I need to cross the finish line and finally be able to type "The End". Ahhh what a glorious moment that will be.

 I'd like to post a few scenes here on this blog from my book so you can see what I'm working on. I'm a bit cautious about this because as it stands there are things that can and will change before the final draft is complete. And I tend to write some in my notebook, the other bits I type up and right now I have a sold beginning, a hesitant ending and a random sprinkling of scenes in between trying to really carve out a solid story. I will take a moment to boast a bit that I do know my writing is quite good. The storytelling however... well, maybe you can be the judge of that. (My husband and sisters think it's good! Does that count?! hehe).

 Anyway, I'm super stoked about this month. Are you taking on the Nano-challenge? Nathan Bransford posted a bunch of awesome links for all your NNWM needs HERE Hmmm NNWM..someone needs to make a bracelet or tee-shirt with that on it. Then start a tumblr or flickr pool where everyone can post pictures of themselves wearing said accessories in various states of writing-induced mania or deprivation. By the end, those pictures would start to look a little hairy. Maybe I will take pictures of myself along the way. I just have to dig out my photo converter to do so. Will  start tomorrow.

Alright..if you're joining up for NNWM sign up HERE and keep me updated! What are you working on? How are you feeling about it?

NaNoWriMo: Day 1: 2,000 words. COMPLETE!