Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy, Happy Friday


 Former Metropolitan Opera House, 1937

      I love Fridays. Just the name..Fridays sounds like freedom and excitement from the drudge of the work week. Or maybe I'm just giddy because a new story is percolating in my mind. It's shiny and pretty and hilarious and ripe with potential and it's been keeping me company while I run errands today and wait for the weekend to officially begin. Hello, shiny story idea. You make everything more exciting in a relatively simple life.

   I've been reading some interesting articles lately and here's a small link roundup!

Advice to Young Writers. I've read this before but it's circulating again. Not sure what I think about them all, it's daunting. Your thoughts?

The best-selling books of 2012 so far... Doesn't take a genius to guess what they are but it makes me want to take a pencil and gouge out Fifty-Shades..

Letters from Famous Authors to their young fans. My favorite is one from Ronald Dahl to a 7-year old girl who sen him one of her dreams (oil, giltter and colored water) in a bottle.

 FastPencil announces a merchandising partnership, a solution for successful self-published authors to potentially see their books in B&N. Sa-weet.

 Amanda  Hocking's Under the Seapalooza There are tons of interviews, reviews and giveaways on various YA blogs in anticipation of her first (new) published book out in Aug.

 Happy Friday!

Love, me and Shiny New Book Idea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's KG... not so anonymous, ha. I love your blog! This post is great... love the picture and the links.

SO excited for shiny new story idea!